Sunday, August 8, 2010

Minnamurra Rainforest

Today we did the Minnamurra Rainforest Walk, 4.2 km. Alot of it is up hill. Damn near killed me, however I kept the smile on my face becausse the scenery was lovely, my 5 yo loved it and my 11 yo hardly whined. Coming back was fabulous and the lil dude nearly ran the whole way down and he asleep tonight.

I have downloaded Couch to 5K application onto the ipod touch and tomorrow I will try it. Hopefully DD will be with me ;-).

Today was the city to surf, I have no desire to run it but maybe that will change by next year and I will be more excited to have a go, My sister in law did it today, I hope she blitzed it!!!!!!!!!

Till tomorrow ;-)


  1. OMG! We've done that walk...with 4 kids. It was fun. I think.; )

    Stopping by from AMB.

  2. Couch to 5k is a great program! Good luck with it!
